Signature Towers

Gift towers are, well, a tower of beautiful boxes tied together by hand here at John Kelly Chocolates.

When one box isn’t quite enough, we encourage you to think bigger (or higher). It’s an amazing presentation, and we can almost guarantee that you’ll hear undying thanks from the lucky person who receives it. All you have to do is say, “you’re welcome.”


John Kelson and Kelly Green standing in a kitchen. Kelly on the left is wearing a white button down. John on the right is wearing a light blue button down.

You May Think There's A Guy Named John Kelly
Who Started It All. A Lot Of People Do.

But it’s actually two guys named John and Kelly. We have complementary qualities, sort of like yin and yang. But we’re the same in one way – we have a passion for our product and for always keeping it special.
A photo of salt being meticulously applied to a piece of John Kelly Chocolate.

Our Products Are Hand-Made With Great
Attention To Detail

Our specialty is exceptionally delicious chocolates. We use all-natural, premium quality ingredients, and make everything in small batches. But it’s really the level of detail and hand craftsmanship brought to every single piece that makes the difference.